Together we turn the world green! Our Sponsor partners
For us as Green Spirit Group we would love to Turn the world green! it is important that we stop exploiting the environment and give back as much as possible.
Together with our customers we want to help stop climate change and promote biodiversity. Recycling and nature conservation are a part of our philosophy and we also encourage our customers to separate their waste and use resources with care. Healthy organic products on the breakfast buffet and close cooperation with local suppliers are important to us.
In our hotels in Paris we have innovative technologies but also use traditional methods such as rainwater harvesting through a rain barrel.
Especially in big cities like Paris clean air and radiation protection is an important issue. We are very committed to this and offer special rooms with radiation protection for guests who are sensitive to electricity. Our special air filters are perceived by customers as very pleasant.
Un Toit Pour Les Abeilles has the ambition to participate in the protection of bees and the development of colonies.
We sponsor the working tool of bees, their hive. As a thank you, the bees offer us the fruit of their work, a part of their honey. Each year, we receive the jars of honey, you can enjoy it at breakfast in our hotel or by it as a souvenir to take it home. Of course the honey is biological.
Reforest’Action intends to raise awareness of forests and take measures to protect them. Forests in France and around the world will be preserved and restored. In this way, we are helping with the important global problems of climate change and biodiversity.
More than 5 million trees have been planted since 2010.